Thomas Bales Demonstrates That Scientific Geeks Can Get Rich Too

There is a lot of debate whether it is now cool to be a geek. So-called nerds have changed society for the better with their inventions. One such creative type is Thomas O. Bales. This scientific genius used the proceeds from his patents to transform a Coral Gables, Florida, mansion into a virtual nirvana for inventive types.
Anybody who enjoys whiling away a day tinkering with electronic and mechanical gadgets would have felt comfortable in this home laboratory. Now, according to sources, Bales has sold the 8-bedroom home for $12.6 million.
Bales demonstrates that working at a home lab can be more profitable than Wall Street or professional sports. The creator of a battery-powered surgical instrument has for years been a top mind in the medical device community. Here are some of the amenities found in the two-story stucco home.
Professional Grade Telescope
Want to stare at the stars? Well, no problem at the former Bales estate. There is a professional telescope that Albert Einstein would envy. And, why not? Bales has proven himself a scientist of exceptional talent. Perhaps the inventor will one day discover a new celestial object.
Computer Room
The home has a room with over 15 computers. That is about the number found in many college computer labs.
Large Living Room
The bay view living room was actually the least used area of the house. Unsurprisingly, a family interested in activities of the mind spent little time watching television. Nevertheless, guests could admire the scenic location on the water and play video games while sitting on the plush couch.
Clocks Galore
The family always knew the time. Over a dozen clocks adorn walls and corners of this palatial abode. Bales even had a GPS digital timekeeper. Cuckoo and grandfather clocks rounded out the assortment of timepieces.
Play Room
Adult nerds get it. They have the money to invest in the toys perhaps unavailable to them as kids.
The youngest of the Bales clan enjoyed having a large playroom in which to frolic. Like much of the house, the playroom seemed a bit cluttered. Lots of paper, glue bottles, cardboard and mats all over the place. Yep, it is the dream room of any child.
How Did Bales Get All of This Money?
Around 1990, Bales and three partners founded a medical device company, known as Symbiosis. They sold the company a few years later to American Home Products for an astounding $175 million. Armed with this cash, Bales bought the land his home sat on for $2.7 million.
Bales demonstrates what can transpire for those who use their creative talents in a socially-productive manner. He has become wealthy and can live as he wants now with over 90 patents to his name. Thomas O. Bales is not just any nerd, he is the coolest of all them all.
So, why did Bales sell his dream home? Well, the inventor of the Hybrid Rocket Motor that pressures liquid and the Rotatable and Deflectable Biopsy Forceps, which doctors use to help cancer patients, might need even more space to create things.