A Board Certified Patent Attorney

Posts Tagged ‘patent notebook’

Are you Screwed If Someone Patents Your Invention Before You Do?

On a hot South Florida summer night, two years ago, two inventors worked busily in their garages refining their inventions. They were very much alike, these two inventors. Both were hard-working. Both had great ideas that could benefit mankind. And both stood to profit wildly from their inventions. Recently, these two men visited a Fort Lauderdale Patent Attorney to file a patent and protect their ideas. They were still very much alike. Both had invested their life-savings in their idea. Both had perfected their designs. And both had a finished product that would sell like hotcakes on the open market. But there was a problem. For both men, patents for products just like theirs had already been applied for. While one inventor had to walk away, the other inventor took specific steps that allowed him to win the patent, e